Friday, February 13, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day....Boys!

Jeff I LOVE you because..........
1. you are a wonderful husband
2. you are a awesome dad
3. you help me strive to be a better mom
4. you work hard to provide for our family
5. you have a desire to put Christ in our lives
6. you make me laugh....and laughter is good for the soul
7. you have a creative spirit that is itching to get out
8. you are a dreamer
9. you are my best friend
10. you are real

Tucker I LOVE you because........
1. you are my buddy
2. you make me smile
3. you make me laugh
4. you help me to remember to enjoy the smallest things in my life
5. you make me dance......."com on,  music"
6. you make me play run.... run..... run..... down the hall in our house
7. you make me "sit down" and hold you
8. you like to say "no"
9. you make me sing " wheels on the bus"
10. you are my child

The picture above was taken by our friend Stephen in Atlanta. It always brings a smile to my face every time I see it.  Happy Valentine's Day!

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